Every day is a GREAT day in SFSD classrooms! Thursday was extra special as Supt. Stavem and Board Member Marc Murren surprised six educators by naming them finalists for the Dr. John W. Harris Teacher of the Year Award! Please join us in congratulating these amazing educators!
about 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
ToY Finalists 2023
It's time! JK and Kindergarten registration for the 23-24 school year is NOW OPEN! Parents of children who will be five (5) on or before September 1, 2023 and live in Sioux Falls School District boundaries can learn more at: https://www.sf.k12.sd.us/page/school-registration
about 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
JK/K Registration
It's National School Counseling week, and we are so grateful for our school counselors, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Marchand. Thank you for all that you do for our students and for Discovery! You are appreciated!
about 2 years ago, Discovery Elementary School
National School Counseling Week
National School Counseling Week
SFSD loves our school counselors! Join us in thanking them this week (and every week) for "Helping Students Dream Big!"
about 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
Counseling Week
Kindergarten students had a special visitor today, Mayor Paul TenHaken. The Mayor read his book, “A Field Trip to City Hall” and then students had the opportunity to ask questions. Each kindergarten class also received a copy of his book. Thank you, Mayor! We enjoyed having you!
about 2 years ago, Discovery Elementary School
We have several items in our lost and found. Items not claimed by the end of parent teacher conferences on Thursday, February 9, will be donated on Friday, February 10. Please look for lost items during parent teacher conferences, otherwise you can look during school hours by checking in at the office.
about 2 years ago, Discovery Elementary School
Lost & Found Items
Looking for a fun activity for your family on Tues, Feb. 21, 2023 - a No School Day in the SFSD? Head to Air Madness from 10am-6pm to jump, play, and unlock donations to Operation Hope & Caring! SFSD schools without PTAs/PTOs benefit!
about 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
Operation Hope & Caring Air Madness Info
Classroom K05 is getting creative during inside recess. Great teamwork K05 students!
about 2 years ago, Discovery Elementary School
K05 Indoor Recess
We are aware that some callers are getting a busy signal when they try calling the office. The issue is cell phone related. Midco and cell phone providers are working together to resolve the issues. If you need to reach the office, please call from a landline or email the office at Jennifer.Hogan@k12.sd.us or Jasmine.Iddings@k12.sd.us.
about 2 years ago, Discovery Elementary School
The PTO has two events coming up, and they need your help! There were sign-ups in their January PTO newsletter, and they still have several time slots yet to fill. These events can’t happen without your help. The first event is the Spring Scholastic Book Fair, which is during conferences next week on Monday, February 6, and Thursday, February 9. If you can help, please sign up at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0c44adad2ca3ff2-spring#/ The second event is Pizza Bingo on Friday, March 24, from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm. The time commitment is minimal (30 minutes) and the jobs are very easy. Unfortunately, if we do not have enough volunteers, the event will be cancelled. If you can help, please sign up at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0c44adad2ca3ff2-pizza#/
about 2 years ago, Discovery Elementary School
Volunteers Needed
Last week, students in classroom 204 shot free throws, went bowling, and then graphed their data. Looks like fun, classroom 204!
about 2 years ago, Discovery Elementary School
Classroom 204
Classroom 204
Classroom 204
Classroom 204
A few pictures of our 4th grade students who sang the National Anthem at the Sioux Falls Skyforce game last night. Looks like it was a great time!
about 2 years ago, Discovery Elementary School
Skyforce Event
Skyforce Event
Skyforce Event
Skyforce Event
Calling all Future Jefferson High School Cavaliers!
about 2 years ago, Discovery Elementary School
Future Cavs
With the late start this morning, students can enter the school starting at 9:45 am and head to their classrooms - with school starting at 10:00 am. When there is a 2-hour late start breakfast is not served. Please make sure your student(s) eats before they come to school. Students will need their snow gear: boots, snow pants, coats, gloves, and hats. Snow gear is required to play on the snow hills and in the field. Drive safe, and please be patient and courteous!
about 2 years ago, Discovery Elementary School
Establishing healthy eating habits is the focus of this month's Family Forum Series, brought to you by Avera Behavioral Health and the Sioux Falls School District. Watch with us here ---> https://youtu.be/52bvfQkh6GQ
about 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
family forum series
It’s time to start thinking about kindergarten for the 2023-24 school year! Children must be five years old on or before September 1, 2023, to register. Below is step-by-step on how to register. STEP 1: Go to https://www.cognitoforms.com/DiscoveryElementary/_202324kindergarteninputform and enter your child’s information. This puts your child on our list of incoming kindergartners and gives you an opportunity to tell us about your child. STEP 2: Submit the required documents that we must have before your child can start school: address verification, birth certificate, and immunizations. You can email (photo, scan, etc.) the documents to DiscoveryRegistration.Sfsd@k12.sd.us or fax them to 605-362-3535. The address verification must be in your (parent/guardian) name, and it must be current. Acceptable documents are: utility bill; rental property lease/contract or payment receipts; property tax payment or receipts; state/government agency mail; mortgage document; or homeowner’s insurance policy. STEP 3: Complete the Sioux Falls School District's (SFSD) online registration, which will open on February 1, 2023, - you will NOT be able to register until then.
about 2 years ago, Discovery Elementary School
Kindergarten Registration
On January 19, participating 4th grade Discovery students are singing the national anthem at the Sioux Falls Skyforce game. Last year, Discovery broke the record for the number of students singing, and we hope to keep that record or break it! Also on this night, we have partnered with Laura B. Anderson (LBA) Elementary for a Give Back Night. For every ticket purchased via the link below, a ticket will be provided to a student at LBA. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at http://www.fevo.me/discoveryelem . Participating 4th grade students who are singing the national anthem get in free.
about 2 years ago, Discovery Elementary School
Give Back Night
Fifth grade students participated in Career Cafe yesterday with speakers from the USD School of Health Sciences. They learned about various programs such as: Nursing, Public Health, Social Work, Addiction Counseling and Prevention, and Medical Laboratory Science. Thank you USD School of Health Sciences for volunteering your time and energy to educate the future generation in health sciences!
about 2 years ago, Discovery Elementary School
Career Cafe
Career Cafe
Career Cafe
Career Cafe
Reminder! There is no school tomorrow, Friday, January 13, and Monday, January 16. Enjoy the long weekend!
about 2 years ago, Discovery Elementary School
No School
Fifth grade students are enjoying the snow hills at Discovery!
about 2 years ago, Discovery Elementary School
Snow hill
Snow hill
Snow hill
Snow hill